Anyone else have no friends?

Honestly I’m tired of trying to make friends 😂😂 it always has to be a competition for everything, trying to show off or they ghost me for someone else.

I Currently only have “one” friend. She always complains about having no money like me and yet she’s always buying a lot of expensive stuff and sending me pics. Constantly sending me pics of her husband cooking for her daily, buying her gifts, or them shopping together. They always criticize me for not moving out alone since I have problems with my mom. yet I can’t afford it and they always say yes you can you just don’t want too. They are always calling me a bear and say I constantly hibernate all day.

Everytime I’m on dating apps she makes fun of them and says I use to do that for fun until I met __ and got married. We tell each other our health issues and we always have to 1 up each other like oh well I have and got this done etc. 🙄🙄

I feel like I’m overreacting but idk, I just needed to rant lol

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