Am I wrong?

My boyfriend and I in the past have played like little get to know you games and stuff like that and I’ve always emphasized to him I don’t like skinny guys really, no hate it’s some people’s type but it’s just not my type I go for and he’s not skinny so it wasn’t offensive to him because if he was smaller I probably wouldn’t have dated him bc I would have never had the initial attraction to go up and talk to him. With all of this in mind my boyfriend who is now serious is like trying to lose weight (he was really fit, not at all fat if anything he could be a little bigger) and I’m just kinda of annoyed that when I really wanted to get lip injections or a breast augmentation he was mean and was so against it and made me not do it because that’s not what he likes yet he KNOWS I don’t like skinny guys and he actively tries to lose weight! It’s the same exact thing if he wants to make himself look better in his eyes then I should be able to as well. Also a small piece of me thinks maybe he’s trying to make himself unattractive to me. Idk it’s like he doesn’t care if I’m attracted to him and I would let him do what he wants if I was allowed to actively look the way I want to look. It seems unfair