Blood clot in brain

Amy • Married 5 years ❤️; Fur Momma 🐾; PCOS; One Miscarriage 💙; 🌈 Hadlee 🎀

Picture simply because I just have to show off my beautiful baby girl. 🥰 baby girl is 9 weeks old now. I had trouble getting pregnant, had a miscarriage after

fertility meds

, got pregnant naturally, and then finally gave birth to my miracle rainbow baby on February 14, after my water broke at 36 weeks, which also happens to be my dating anniversary and wedding anniversary! 😂 she just knew that date meant a lot to my husband and I, apparently!

Anyway, my first epidural had to be redone because they nicked the dura and I had a spinal leak. They redid the epidural and I gave birth just fine. As soon as the epidural started to wear off I started getting a migraine. I attributed that to the lack of food, caffeine, and 18 hours of labor. Come to find out it was a side effect of the botched epidural. I say botched but I know that it DOES happen, I just had never heard of it. Any way, I was told at that time that I could either get blood taken from my arm and get another epidural to “patch” the hole that the first epidural made OR wait to see if it resolves. I’m a surgical tech so the anesthesiologist that I spoke with knew me and advised me that if I was his daughter, he would suggest I wait. So I did.

I go home on day 2 of my daughters life and was miserable. Have you ever tried to breast feed when having a level 10 migraine and the only thing that fixes it is laying down? Awful!

On day 4 I finally decided enough was enough. I text the anesthesiologist and told him I was ready for my blood patch. I went back to the hospital and within about two hours I was 75% better. Luckily, because my daughter was then admitted to NICU for several dehydration and jaundice. 😓

Fast forward one week, my daughter came home from the hospital, my headaches were finally better and then BAM! Another migraine followed by hearing loss and light headedness. I made an appointment with my doctor for the next day because of the hearing loss. I honestly thought it was an ear infection. He immediately ordered an emergency CT. When that came back worrisome he ordered an emergency MRI AND MRV. Turns out I have a blood clot. This is either the result of labor, which I hear is very rare OR I could have a blood clotting disorder. They will check me in September to see if I have a clotting disorder but all of this to say...

Has anyone else had a blood clot, in the brain or otherwise, as a result of pregnancy/labor??

I’m currently on blood thinners and my headaches have mostly gone away and my hearing is 100% back. I’m also on blood pressure meds because my last 3 weeks of pregnancy I was on bed rest due to high blood pressure.

This was not my first pregnancy but it was my first birth and I’m just wondering how often does that actual happen??

And if you have any of the clotting disordered...what did that mean for day to day life? Is anything different?