I need help!

My 12 month old who has been an excellent sleeper....2 2 hour naps everyday and full sleep from 8pm to 7 sometimes 8 am didnt take either nap today and fell asleep about 8pm woke up at 1045pm and has been on and off screaming her head off. Tried nursing and bottle tried binky tried rocking and nothing is working. I know she's way overtired because of no naps today and also she had vaccines on Friday and idk just seems like too much. We woke up at 630 after only going to bed at midnight the night before because we had stuff to do....we didnt wake her til we had to be out the door at 745am....with not great sleep the night before either.....i am losing my mind. I understand my husband needs sleep because he has work in the morning but literally everytime I almost fall back asleep she starts crying. The temp in her room is fine....shes got the same oils diffusing as normal her sound machine just like normal and a little moving light just like normal.....im so freaking tired and I'm starting to get mad....i cant be frustrated with her its not her fault but anyone have any ideas of things to try.....before its even suggested....she won't sleep in our bed with us....we have tried that a million times in the past and she wakes up like its play time instead. She doesnt sleep well in our room or bed she has to be in hers. Advice?????