

So me and my partner are onto our six month this week trying for a baby via insemination. Date for ovulation is for around the 23rd for this app. For the past few months we’ve followed the Flo app and the clear blue <a href="">ovulation app</a> to pick our day when to inseminate but this <a href="">glow app</a> says completely different days to the other two. So this month we’ve decided to use the date this app has given us and see what happens. Taking temp daily and also got some pink dye ovulation tests instead of the clear blue digital. I’m also having trouble with periods some months they’ve been every 29 days like normal then some days they’ve been a couple of days late so we are struggling to work out when my ovulation is. We literally only get one donation a month too so everything is pinned on that one time. Has anyone had similar problems to this? And which app date worked for you? It’s really hard every month getting a bfn when we are putting in so much to try I really want to feel like We’ve got it right as much as possible. It’s deffo not an easy journey for a gay couple 😔😔