You have a tilted uterus. Did you get an IUD for birth control?

For a while I wanted another baby but I think what I really want is a positive birth experience, since that was taken from me with my first. Now that I’m finding myself at the root of my baby obsession, I realize that having another baby will not replace the trauma I experienced with my first delivery and the responsibility and mental capacity required for another baby will heavily outweigh the birth experience when it gets to be passed the infant stages. I struggle a lot with only one child, who is 2 years old. Adding another child would drain me. I would lose every ounce of myself. My husband would lose his wife. I wouldn’t be able to be a fun mom anymore, just a busy one. A stressed one. One that doesn’t have time to help with homework or advice on dating. I also fear that because of the complications with my first labor and because I never breastfed, I would not love my first child as much as the second one. Maybe when this child is a bit older I’ll revisit the though. I’m only 26 so I have plenty of time to decide to become pregnant again. For now I need birth control that won’t affect my life in any way. No hormones. No pill timing. I’m thinking about getting a copper IUD, but I’m afraid to because I have a tilted uterus. When I went for a vaginal US with my baby the nurse said “woah you’re REALLY tilted sorry if I hurt you it’s just an awkward position.” So I’m afraid that an IUD would damage my cervix during sex. What do you guys think?

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