Moving out . What all do I need

A few months ago I made a post asking if I should get a car or house first , to sum the post up it was that I’m 19 , 2 kids and my mom isn’t rushing me to move out or ask for rent . Everyone that commented said since she’s not rushing me to move out then get a car first . Well I turned 20 yesterday and me and my boyfriend came up with a agreement that I buy furniture for the place and he saves for a car for us to share. and with the stimulus check I got i bought a new bedroom set to keep in the basement until I move out . I’m holding off on buying a couch until I actually move out and I think I wanna do a 2 bedroom and have my kids share a room since that’s probably all we can afford . By time we move out they will be 1 and 3 . I was thinking bunk bed but maybe their too young? But anyways I can’t for the LIFE OF ME think of Anything else to get for a house other than bedroom furniture and living room furniture . I think I wanna do grey and blue for my living room color so maybe start buying area rugs ? Pillows ? Curtains (should I wait for curtains until I know the size of windows) I have some cleaning products .. what else ?! I will be taking some stuff with me like my mattress , tv stand and TVs , so I would only need to buy 1 more tv for living room. Thank you in advance ! ❤️😊 .. and when I mean moving out I mean renting a apartment or house lol not buying , sorry . Should’ve cleared that up