Weird MIL relationship


We have a weird relationship. She complains to my husband when i don’t answer her FT calls... even when i call her back on the phone not later than 10 minutes. She buys the baby really weird things.. and I’ve asked her to look at my registries on amazon and target when she asked what we were needing. (We already have everything. It would be just like toys and more clothes or nursery decor) she never once offered to help buy anything which is completely fine, we are financially capable of providing for our baby- BUT WHY does she keep buying weird shit that i don’t need or ask for?? She literally buys stuff the baby won’t use for 3 or 4 years.. like i don’t want to keep this stuff in the house for that long. 🤦‍♂️

She also kept buying me maternity clothes when i never said i needed any, but made a comment to my husband about how I’ve gone up 2 clothes sizes, from small to large. Oh course he just said Uhh she’s pregnant??? She also made me try them all on when she dropped them off. 🙄👌🏻

She complains to my husband that i act like i don’t like her bc i don’t ft her?... i just call and text. For a LONG time my husband said do not trust her because she will lie and cause drama, hurt him and cut people off then pop back into his life whenever she needs money, and she has done that and i let it go every time bc it’s not worth it. So I’m apprehensive about getting close to her now. My husband says just answer her ft calls so he doesn’t have to hear about it... but i feel like it’s encouraging her behavior to complain about me.

My husband said he told her “well I’m sure she will call you back when she can she was probably busy”

But he says he doesn’t want to hear it from her (her complaining) so to just answer the calls. I told him it makes me uncomfortable when she only FaceTimes me.. why can’t she just call or text like a normal person? If she wasn’t so judgmental or hateful i wouldn’t be so apprehensive about answering the ft calls. Sometimes she even calls at 8am and I’m not out of bed yet and i don’t want her to judge me for not being up yet... because she’s like that.

I also don’t know what to do about Mother’s Day coming up... i know she will be mad if i don’t do anything for her. 🙂