Could you lose some weight for my wedding?

*full disclosure* I'm not the bride. I'm bridesmaid in a bridal party. There are four of us ladies. Plus the flower girl. MOH and three maids.

One girl and I just had babies basically around the same time. My baby was born January 9th. Hers was born January 30th.

We were all asked to be in the upcoming wedding while we were both big and pregnant but since shes waiting to finish school, theres no plan to get married until summer 2021.

Anyways we both just had babies. I didnt do anything special but I really bounced back quickly. Whereas the other girl has not. Which us fine with me...not so much with the bride who told the other mom that she already has a style in mind for us to wear and we need to be a certain shape in order to look good in it. She told her "no rush but I'll need you to firm everything up and drop 20 before my wedding"

I know it isnt about me...but I am considering backing out if the wedding if she doesn't apologize to this girl for being so rude. What do you think

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