Holding out hope with skepticism


The last 2 months (post miscarriage in November) my cycle has been 26 days long. Period has lasted 4 days and been heavy for the first 3 days. This cycle I decided enough of the constant OPK testing cause it just adds to the stress. That being said, I did test a few times and got 2 days of high but never tested to get a peak. My husband and I BDed CD 8, 11, 12, 13, 15. I got a faint (blue dye) positive a few days before my period but chalked it up to false positive due to the blue dye being notorious for them. I got what looked like another faint positive the day before my period was due and one tiny pink tinge when I wiped before bed. Woke in the AM to what I thought was a full blown period. Last long enough for one pad change and then today (which would be cycle day 2 of period) nothing but spotting when I wipe. I have never ever had a one day period. I have more tests coming via Amazon, but just an odd cycle. I have been nauseous like previous pregnancy nausea, sore boobs, etc. I don't look heavily into symptoms as indicators. The other odd thing is I typically have a very low cervix and hard right before my period, but this time it is super high and soft. Holding out hope with skepticism.