3rd trimester discomfort Q


Hey mamas, I’m expecting twins and am currently on the 33rd week.

My OB has me on weekly appointments, and she always asks if I’m having contractions. I use to be able to give a definite answer, now it’s more of an I’m not sure.

My abdomen is very sore. I’m pretty petite, or was 😅, so I keep getting the reaction of “well you have a smaller figure” when we talk about discomforts. I had my gallbladder checked into due to so much right sided pain, it checked out fine. So OB is saying musculoskeletal pain- especially since baby on that side flipped to being breech on me. She even prescribed norco due to the amount of pain I’m having and I’m off of work due to my job being physical and I physically can not do it due to pain.

So! Back to the whole contractions question now that there’s more info, seeing as I’m so sore, I feel like it’s hard to tell if I’m having contractions or if it’s just from babies pushing outward a lot of the time. Some times, the whole afternoon just feels like one continuous squeeze honestly 😔

Does this sound normal? How would I go about making sure things aren’t happening “frequently?”

I haven’t noticed any leaking of fluids and certainly no blood - is that all that I’m going to be able to monitor for verses contractions??