I need to vent & idk know where else to go..

Deni • Mommy to my baby girl Nannalie 💕 5years strong with my handsome man & loading baby #2 😍

It all started March 20th 2020...

I was a full time Shift Lead/Assistant Manager for a gas station. This was my sole income...

I found out that I was pregnant at the end of January. Me thinking that everything was alright & my job would accommodate me for being pregnant... I thought wrong... March 20th was my Monday of a busy work week with all the crazy pandemic crap happening.. I thought nothing else but that it was going to be like every other day at work... no that didn’t either.. I was forced to take my maternity disability leave way ahead of schedule.. why you may ask?

Well my company decided that my pregnancy restrictions were too much for them to comply to because I am a high risk pregnancy. My last day at work, I was paid 2 hours out of my 8.5 that I normally received. Was told that I cannot come back to work unless my doctor re-evaluates my restrictions to keep my hours. My doctor refused to change them & told me to just file for disability. Okay I thought it would be a piece of cake & that I would receive aid quick. Wrong again... I filed immediately after I was forced not to work —Filing for food stamps, medi-cal insurance & disability thru EDD. It’s been little more than a month & I have yet to receive any aid..

I have received the $1200 stimulus check plus me cashing out all of my sick & vacation pay out. With that I paid my portions of rent, car note, car insurance, payment to my credit cards, my renters insurance, my phone bill, cable bill & necessary things needed to get ready for my baby girl who I am expecting in late September, on top of food for myself. Plus catching up on bills that’s I was behind on..

It’s now April 24th — I have yet to receive any communication from any of these places & I’ve called numerous times & still haven’t gotten any closer to a solution. On top of that I am being forced by my employer to pay my health insurance premiums out of pocket each month until I can work again. I am 6 days away from losing my health insurance & Kaiser is extremely hard to get thru medi-cal. Which means I would have to start all over with new doctors once I receive aid... when ever I receive aid..

I’m scared to lose everything I have worked so hard for. I dont want to struggle thru this pandemic without the things I absolutely need. Especially for my unborn child who has no idea what is going on.. I want to have them come out with no worry in the world.

I’m depressed & crying non stop because I cannot afford the things I need. I have anxiety as well & it doesn’t help with how I am feeling..

I needed to vent... I feel useless to my roommates & boyfriend because I cannot contribute financially.. I just don’t want to be useless or unprepared for this crazy situation...