Best friend is pregnant and I’m not happy for her

I feel like this shouldn’t make me a bad friend, but at the same time, I still feel like it does.

My best friend of many many years recently got into a new relationship and became a totally different person. She stopped spending time with me, ditching me, ignoring texts and calls. She was my only friend and we used to hangout 5 days a week and then she ghosted me for a while. She stopped checking in on me, she just doesn’t give a fuck and I’m suffering through depression right now. Just overall turned into a complete bitch and a terrible friend. She stopped wearing makeup, started gaining so much weight and was just angry all the time. She even quit her job and was jobless for over 3 months and doing absolutely nothing all day. She spent most of her time getting drunk and doing cocaine at the bar with her new boyfriend after he got off work. She didn’t used birth control and wasn’t being safe about sex. A few months later she found out that she’s more than 5 months pregnant. She got pregnant after dating this guy for two months. She has no career, already dropped out of school, makes less than living wage at her newest job, lives in her parents home, depends on her parents for almost everything. He doesn’t have an education, barely makes a living wage, is living with his parents and has been a cocaine addict for years. My point is that they can’t provide for a baby and they hardly know each other anyway!! They’ve been together less than 8 months! So in the beginning of her pregnancy she was heavily drinking and doing drugs. She has stopped after finding out, obviously, but how can you be so sickly irresponsible? She could’ve killed that child and written it off as an “accident” because she didn’t know she was pregnant and that’s so sick to me. I’m still afraid her baby will be disfigured. Even still, she’s a completely shitty friend when I’ve done nothing but be selfless and caring throughout our 10 year friendship. It has deeply hurt my feelings and she absolutely does not give a fuck. Anytime we talk it’s about her, her stupid boyfriend and their child on the way. It makes me sick that she could be so absolutely stupid about her life decisions. She looks like the biggest idiot and just isn’t aware of it. I can hardly be happy for her and it’s so sad because I wanted to be! I wanted to be happy for her first baby and I wanted to buy her gifts and celebrate with her but this is just so grossly immature that it hurts me to see it.

I can’t be happy for her. I need some advice...