Told me to delete them

My boyfriend asked me to delete my old log ins for when I had sex with my ex on my <a href="">period app</a> ( I have <a href="">eve</a> and another one) He says that they make him uncomfortable and he doesn’t know why I still have them when they were from two years ago

When we first started talking I was still getting over my ex and saw him occasionally. But my current boyfriend now says I cheated on him. I will admit I was manipulative of his feelings during the time because I was talking to him and still talking and sleeping with my ex-but we were never official. But regardless of how ever way you put it I’ve hurt him and his trust that he has for me.

But part of me thinks it’s a little ridiculous for him to ask me to delete something from so long ago. I told him no at first because I hadn’t even thought about them till he brought it up and I just thought that was so weird to ask but then I said sure since it bothered him so much. But he’s upset with how I reacted and thinks I’m trying to keep something so irrelevant.

Is it crazy for him to ask me something like that?

Am I wrong because I should’ve just deleted them since they don’t matter?