Induction day!! (Kinda long, sorry!)


Y’all, today is the day that I go in for induction. I’m so proud of my boys for making it this far. We had a rough start in the beginning, being watched closely for TTTS (Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome), having to travel out of state multiple times to see a better qualified doctor for the TTTS, having one to many ER visits due to lack of movement and bleeding early on. But my boys made it through TTTS with no intervention, they fought through and came out looking healthy and growing well in the limits for their GA. I can’t wait to meet them in this world, although it’s in the middle of a pandemic that some don’t take seriously. My pregnancy journey is coming to an end and the start of motherhood is about to begin. At 8pm on May 10th, 2020 I’ll be going in to start the induction process. And hopefully by May 11th I’ll have my boys in my arms and healthy ready to go home the following day. Here’s to Mother’s Day for all of the mommas that have already had their child(ren), to those who are still pregnant, and to those who have angel babies.