What’s wrong with me?

So I was sitting here thinking about my routines and was wondering if I had a very mild case of OCD.

In early childhood I liked to scratch my dry skin off and loved to see it as it would fall into the floor. I have very dry skin it would cover the wooden floors a lot.

I always had to re-write my papers because I felt like my handwriting was sloppy when I was in school. I am talking about re-writing notes word to word about 5-10 times until I was satisfied with my handwriting. I still do this in my journal.

I have a routine with scratching, I have a skin disease so my skin is pretty itchy. I have these scratching sessions that lasts 5 hours at the same time every day. Sometimes they’ll last longer and it really prevents me from sleeping. Sometimes I am not even itchy I’ll just do it because I do it every day at the same time.

I also like pulling hair out. Mostly arm hair, it’s sorta like a itch I have to scratch. I just get this unbelievable urge to pull out my arm hair. I never touch any hair in any other places besides my arms

I also have a specific time to watch tv. From 7p.m to 10p.m if I don’t watch it during that time I feel very anxious. I won’t even call anybody during those hours.

Perhaps I should talk to a doctor about it but I don’t feel overly concerned about it.