Terrified of Another C-Section

Kate • Married 💍 Mommy of 2 boys 💙💙

I had a growth scan last week at 32 weeks and baby boy was measuring perfectly at 32 weeks weighing in at 4 lbs 3 oz. Dr seemed optimistic about my VBAC. But I’m so scared that can change in 8 weeks (now 6.5 weeks).

A little explanation. My son weighed 9 lbs 10.5 oz at birth. I had gestational diabetes that was not found until 34 weeks. I was eating fast food multiple times a week, soda, juice and iced tea and NO WATER because it made me nauseous. This pregnancy, I have cut out all of that and I’m drinking 100+ oz. of water a day. Is there a chance this baby WILL stay average sized until birth or should I give up hope?