BMI is 40 and ankle is swelling (two topics)


Two topics in this post. Here it goes.

I went to my OB today for a routine check up. I’m 31+2. I’m 4’10 and 195 pounds. I know I know I am not proud of that at all. Pre pregnancy I was 162. She says I’m at risk for c-section which is the last thing I want to happen. But if it will save mine and babies life I’m all for it. I feel like it’s too late to change my diet but I went grocery shopping today for healthy clean food to make. Who has had a BMI of 40 and has had a healthy labor and delivery? Any tips??

Second topic down below.

Second topic :

So I have recently started swelling since yesterday (Sunday) 5/17 and it was bad. My right foot was so much more bigger than my left this picture does not do justice. My BP is perfect. I monitor it myself and I do go every month to get monitored for my BP. And I am seen every two weeks for a routine check up. I went in for a check up with my OB I mentioned it to the MA and she had mentioned it the the Dr which I thought she was going to check my feet out built all she said was to drink a lot of water and that was all. I tried to mention the indentations but she cut me off and said to drink water. I’m just worried about it being a blood clot. Today it’s just my right leg that is really bad and indents. Anyone else experience this? And any tips?