Hi! I know it’s lengthy but I want to be clear and I really need help. Thank you :)

So, I’ve been seeing this guy for the past 7 months (since November), it’s always been sex between us (even tho I know I have feelings for him, but he doesn’t know), I’ve stayed with him some nights, he had a “girlfriend” for a few months, since December but they broke up in the beginning of May.

In March, quarantine started in our country and March 10th was the last time I saw and spoke to him until May 3rd. I found out he had broken up with his gf and had written me, so we started speaking again and talked about seeing each other. I wasn’t feeling well those days, I was vomiting and he said we should wait until I felt better and he would cook to me (something that never happened, I mean I never had lunch or dinner with him except breakfast when I stayed over but then I would leave) and he had the medication I needed in case I felt sick again, so like really cute, right ?

So I felt better a few days later and went to his house and stayed over, I wasn’t 100% recovered so I just ate soup while he had his meal, this time we really spoke and laughed a lot (he told me how he broke up with his gf, she stole his car’s keys and smashed the kitchen tv and also threatened him with a knife ! So really crazy, I couldn’t believe it when I saw the tv) the point is, it felt different, even with sex. We watched Netflix before we went to sleep, another thing we never did, the next morning we woke up, had breakfast, went back to bed, fooled around a bit and then it felt like a normal day you’d have with your bf, he ran on the treadmill while I washed the dishes (because I wanted to do something, not because it was expected of me) and then he showered and we had lunch and I stayed over for a bit and then went home.

BUT THEN... he never texted me again, I left his house on a Saturday (May 9th) and texted him on Wednesday (sent him a funny video that was on IG) and he replied to the video but didn’t carry on the conversation so I didn’t text him again. The thing is I don’t know why because we really had a good time and I’m not going to be the girl that wonders what did she do wrong cause I know I didn’t do anything wrong !

So I’d thought that maybe by telling you some of the story you could help me. I don’t know if I should text him cause I want him to do it, something like this has happened before and I texted him asking what’s wrong and blah blah and I want to stop doing that ! I’m the one always reaching out, I really really like him !

But I don’t know what to think, I really hope he’s not ghosting me, I wouldn’t understand it, like how do you get bored of someone you saw like two days ago and had fun with ?

I thought maybe he was “catching feelings” or something like that and he wants to have some space or take some time but I don’t know, also if he doesn’t want to see me anymore I’d really like to know so I would stop myself from thinking about him but all I am is confused, and I also don’t want to ask him if he does or doesn’t want to see me anymore, that seems desperate, help please !

Thanks for reading ! :)

PS: he has a very expensive bottle of champagne that I brought to his house a long time ago and I have to get it back since we never drank it. How do I do that ? Do I wait until he reaches out or do I contact him