Any other wives and newly mothers being told they do nothing by their separate others?

My husband who is recently become a father due our first child together. Works while I stay home raising and taking care of the little one who now 3months. I had a csection and was actually forced to quit when my employer found out I was pregnant. I do all the housework stuff inside but do pandemic so close to when I had the little one and my own recovery I have just stay inside with our baby. Plus we moved to a new state to be with his father’s side of family as result of this I have no license.

I get next to no sleep due to nursing and husband doesn’t really help with the baby.

Now I being told all I do is sleep and do nothing. With a long pause and the. Said except for the baby but that doesn’t count at all apparently.

I do the cooking, cleaning, restocking. Landry, dishes on 4hrs of sleep if best. My little feeds every 1-2hrs and sleeps for of I am lucky 6hrs but typically only 4.

I even let my husband sleep though the night and not help with the baby so he not exhausted from lack of sleep for work.

He sleeps for sometimes 12 hours on his day off and then wakes up and tells me he got no sleep.

If I don’t do it I doesn’t get done. Within these walls.

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