TMI ... maybe not

Courteney • Airforce wife * son 9/2018👶🏽💙* b/g twins 5/2020👶🏽👶🏽💙💖* last baby 9/2022💛

So I just had a csection to deliver my twins ! Thank God we are all ok. However I am bleeding from my incision pretty heavy!! Has anyone been through this? I mean I’m having to change my dressing every 2 hrs ! I’m so scared.

** I’m still in the hospital, I just delivered today !

UPDATE: so my platelets tend to be low during pregnancy, they’re monitoring that and the bleeding but my team is also saying in my situation this bleeding is common. 🤷🏾‍♀️😩

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Posted at
You need to call a professional immediately, not strangers on an app.


Courteney • May 22, 2020
In other words I’m being monitored 👍🏽


Courteney • May 22, 2020
Hi lol I’m actually in the hospital still .. I’m asking if anyone experienced it. Just to get incite !


Posted at
I’ve had 2 c sections and ive never bled from my incisions. Ask your Dr to have a look seeing that you’re still in hospital


Courteney • May 22, 2020
Yea they’re monitoring it. They’re saying it’s a superficial bleed but I was just wondering if others had this. I did have it with my last one very slightly but not like this.


Posted at
Um... I never did experience that. I think I would feel concerned.