I was talking to my father in law about a baby shower and..


Okay so his niece is pregnant (she’s literally only like maybe 8 weeks) and I was talking about having a baby shower (I’m 22 weeks, and significantly further along than she is) and we were talking about locations and he said, “here’s an idea. You and Lisa could have a double baby shower.” I flat out said no. He asked me why and I told him Because it was mine and my husbands day. We’ve been living in their shadow for almost a year because they’re so perfect. I am significantly more pregnant than she is, and i know the gender of my baby. Also to add, with this virus going on I don’t have many events to enjoy with my pregnancy so I want my baby shower to be about me and the birth of MY baby and it pissed me off that he got offended because I didn’t want to share that day to make it about someone else who is pregnant. Am I in the wrong here?🤔