Years ago, roughly in 2006, when we talked about creating our family I naively though I

Mary Kate
Years ago, roughly in 2006, when we talked about creating our family I naively though I would be giving a diagnosis of infertility because I’m a lesbian. HA! Back then, I didn’t care I just wanted the diagnosis to happen so that insurance would cover some of the costs. If I could talk to my 26 year old self, I would tell her no person would ever wish for this diagnosis. Even with the diagnosis and the insurance coverage, it still does not guarantee a child. When I was 34 and was diagnosed with unknown infertility, it shook me to my core because for the first time I truly did not know if I would ever become pregnant or carry a child of my own. We went through a more difficult time getting pregnant with our sons. The fear was bigger and even more real this time. Would we have been happy in life with only Olivia, absolutely but we would not have felt complete. We truly grasp how fortunate we are to have three children but know so many out there are waiting for theirs. We are 1 in 8. . . . #oliviarae2016 #niaw2020 #ivfjourney #ivfsuccess #ivfwarrior #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity #ivfpregnancy #ivftwins #ivftransfer #ivfsisters #ivfmiracle #mrsandmrs #lesbiansofig #teamtwomoms #lesbianmarriage #wifeandwife #lovehasnofender #samesexmarriage #brideandbride #lesbiancouple #lesbianfamily #lesbainfamilies #sheswithher #twomoms #twomomfamily #hatchedbytwochicks #twomomsquad #believe #hope