Distant relationship

Me and my boyfriend has been together for 4 years. We use to always occupy each other’s time and find fun stuff to do. We had our first daughter early 2019 and he was always there for me at the beginning. After awhile he started distancing himself and spending more time with his friends . I honestly wasn’t bothered by it but when she started getting older he became more distant . Even at night when he was home, we’d barely have a conversation. He’s only on social media or watching YouTube. Fast forwarding to today. Now we have our second daughter and throughout that pregnancy I felt very alone. And the one time I actually approached him about spending time , he basically shut me down saying he doesn’t know why I’m mad about him trying to make extra money. All I at least wanted was him to be home 1 day before my second daughter arrived and at least get her room cleaned, clothes folded, etc. but I guess I was the bad guy. He works now 4 days a week but on the other 3 days he’s always out. He says he’s at the studio with his friends. And I believe he is but it’s either work or friends. Even in the hospital I felt as if I was forcing conversations with him. Since this pandemic is happening, I could only bring one person and since my mom couldn’t come and he was quiet most of the time , it was a little lonely. Now that my second daughter is here he’s never home. Only when he comes back home late to sleep and he’s gone in the morning. He’s constantly at the studio, or he’s at the barbershop, or with his best friend trying to start a business. I’m happy he’s doing all that but is it bad for me to want at least one day ? With a newborn and a 1 y/o I am exhausted at 1 am for me to hangout when he gets home. And then he falls asleep before me anyways . Idk if me having kids is making me boring , or if he straight just lost interest. Or if he is just tryna get his things together. But now I’m to the point where I feel as if I might as well be alone and leave him be. Am I over thinking?