Back with my ex .



Hey guys well me and my ex got back together after a week that he broke up with me . Do y’all think that if during the time we broke up if he had started talking to a girl he used to talk to like a year ago when we had broke up “they were just friends “ according to him during our break up is it okay ? Should I not make a big deal about it since he don’t have her in social media anymore .

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Don’t bring the past into your current relationship. See it as a new start from when you both got back together. Don’t carry doubts like that it’ll only burden yourself.


Ma • May 28, 2020
You seems paranoid and insecure. Maybe this relationship isn’t for you and it’s time to move on


Sarah • May 28, 2020
No but I want to ask him about I’m not 100 percent he started talking to her but I’m i think he did and I want to ask him but I feel like he just going to get mad and think I’m trying to start something since we just got back together three days ago . And this past day he barely even texted me and that’s cause I was the one that had texted him


S • May 28, 2020
If he’s actuallt interested in her now then that’s a problem. Have you asked him about it?