Emotional abuse?

Okay so I really need some advice on this.

So when I first met my mother in law her she kind of came across as one of those ‘stereotypical smothers’. She has 2 boys and was (kind of) a single parent with them so I figured that was why she acted in that way. However over the last 2 years her behaviour has become concerning and it’s making my boyfriend stressed and upset so the point where it’s making me feel the same. Tbh she has done so much stuff I’m just gonna list it here and cut to the chase:

• she touches him kind of inappropriately, especially in front of me - like she’ll stroke his thigh or make him kiss her in front of her

• shes made him give her money and lied about what she needed the money for

• shes taken money from his life savings and hasn’t yet paid it back

• in the past (when he was little) she would make him text horrible messages to his dad (they divorced when he was 10) saying he didn’t want to see him even though he didn’t know what he was saying and didn’t want to

• she makes him do things for her like make her dinner every night, and when he doesn’t do something she calls him lazy and turns the whole house against him (the other day he said no to going to the supermarket with her and she started shouting around the house saying if she dies of coronavirus it’s his fault)

• her and her boyfriend are very cruel towards him, they gang up on him, criticise him all the time, I overheard them planning on taking his car and his money from him (which they then later did)

• her boyfriend makes my boyfriend feel very uncomfortable and he’s really rude to him (which she encourages and joins in with)

• they (my mother in law and her boyfriend) make him feel very guilty about having a relationship with his father (who left because she was very controlling and manipulative) they even tried to stop him from seeing his dad on Christmas Day

• she doesn’t respect his privacy, she’ll always read his texts, she never knocks on the door and she always goes through his room

• she tries to control everything in his life and is very manipulative, she’ll shout and ostracise him if he doesn’t do what she wants him to do

• she treats him totally unequally to his brother who doesn’t get any of this kind of behaviour from her

I read an article from Bustle about emotional abuse, and she ticked a lot of the boxes. My bf is finding is so hard to deal with so I want to help him. Any advice or opinions on the situation? Thankyou ladies