My water broke while pooping!

Holly. • 8/18/2018 💍 • 6/04/20🎀

And she was finally born at 4:07pm Thursday!

Emily June

8lb and 21 inches long.

Born one week early.

I don’t know if people actually read these but oh well, here’s our wild ride!

Thursday was our 39 week mark and we had a stretch and sweep the day before because I was already 4cm dilated.

At 2:15 on Thursday I felt a pop while pooping and passed some bloody show. After that my water started leaking. I called my husband and he rushed home from work. My hospital gave is a free pass to L&D without even check to see if it was my amniotic fluid.

Around 5pm the contractions started. I was hoping to go natural but the pain was all in my hips and lower back so I opted for the epidural. Around 11:30ish the epidural stopped working on my left hip and my contractions were every 3 minutes and so strong. I was in tears but thankfully they gave my a second one and it worked. I was able to sleep on and off throughout the night.

I think around 4am they started pitocin because I wasn’t dilating past 6cm. I slept some more and woke up around 8am, by 10am i was fully dilated to 10 cm and started pushing. Everything was going smoothly until baby girl decided to stretch out in my rib cage, i couldn’t relax or relieve the pain and she was hanging out in the birth canal for so long. No one tells you the pressure in your butt is ridiculous even with an epidural!

I ended up pushing for 5ish hours but I was so exhausted, I hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours and she wasn’t budging past crowning so we decided to use the vacuum which also hurt like a mother😂 Epidural or not I swear i felt every final push and pull.

So yeah that’s my wild first time mom story! I ended up with a 1st degree perineal tear and I think she said a labial tear. Either way i had quite a few stitches.