should I be mad?

So there’s this girl that my bf used to be friends with in high school & I think they were a little flirtatious with each other after HS ended because he was a photographer and she kept asking for pix... I saw the messages and he would leave a “🔥” under her pix or something & she would ask him “so when you takin pix of me” things like that. So I asked him about it and he said he never had a thing for her & I got mad Bc he kept leaving likes on her bikini pix and stuff. I just found it disrespectful and called him out on it.... for a while he stopped liking her pix but now he’s legit leaving a like on every pic she posts. He claims I’m being immature because she’s just a friend... even tho they haven’t spoken. I just think it’s disrespectful because it seems like they tried to have a thing & their messages were a bit flirty & even though I’ve showed that I’m uncomfortable AND told him about it, he’s still doing it. Yet he blames me and says that I’m the one being childish about it.... if roles were to reverse, I’m sure he would hate it. Even though I’ve told him that, he still hasn’t stopped. It’s been over 2 years since we’ve been together & this girl has been a topic since our first year of being together yet he still doesn’t stop. I don’t know if I should just give up and let him keep liking her shit or call him out on it again

& when I see that he likes her pix, my blood boils a little but I don’t start a fuss about it. Just the fact that I have told him that I’m uncomfortable with it yet he still does it really pisses me off Bc out of respect for him, I don’t interact with certain guys pictures. Ugh

I just don’t know if I’m actually being crazy or not