Late! ...Maybe?


Haven't posted in such a long time! Frustation set in a few months ago. Was so tired of charting and tracking and crying and ... ugh. So I stopped. Told my husband that I didn't want to do it anymore. We decided we'll just let things happen. No more temping or anything else. I went two months without tracking my ovulation, but this past cycle I started again. Used Clearblue Advanced and tracked 9days of high fertility...and then ran out of strips. So I don't know if I would've gotten a peak or not. I've never NOT gotten one. We BD'd every other day for nearly the entire month of May once we were able (after AF). Glow predicted ovulation to have happened on May 19, but Clearblue hadn't given me a peak then. I really think that I might've ovulated super late. I had vague bleeding and eggwhite discharge on the 28th.

So now I am on day 39 of my cycle, not knowing if I'm late or not! I took a pregnancy test on Saturday. Negative. I've been so afraid to take another. Its been 4 days now. Ive been feeling this weird "your period is gonna start!" type mild cramping for the past week, but there hasn't been any blood. I'm just praying that this is our time. We've been trying for over 2 years now. I'm 36, he's 38. Had all tests done on the both of us (sperm analysis, hysteroscopy, and another one whose name I can't remember) and all was normal. We've tried three IUIs. I've taken every vitamin you can think if that's supposed to help with fertility. Drank fertility tea. Rubbed myself with fertility oil. Just praaaaaying that we've finally done it.