What is wrong with me?

Okay guys... as far as I'm concerned, my husband and I are very healthy! Im only 23 and hes 29. We have never had alcohol nor smoked ever! (Some of the things we have in common that makes us even more compatible). My periods are verrry regular! Like very! And it's been 4 months no baby! We're soo shocked! We as a result decided to see fertility doctor, did some blood work and everything came out perfect! The only thing negative thing for me was not having enough vitamin D. But I was prescribed some and I started taking them. Its been 3weeks now since I started. DH semen analysis was 28million per ml and 53% motility (is that good) the nurse said it was but does anyone else think 53% is good? Im freaking out bcos at least if you know what it is that is wrong, you can fix it. But doing everything right and not getting what you want is scaarryy and frustrating... makes me wonder if I will ever get pregnant! Is anyone here on the same boat ad me? If yes, how are you dealing with it?