Not that anyone cares...but

I PAID OFF MY CAR!!! 6 months early, I might add!!! 😭 I have had a car payment since 2012, when I got my license. I can’t believe it. It’s been the toughest experience in adulting EVER. I had a car that I was making payments on before this one, and was upside down. I rolled over those payments to get the car I have now, and it was not worth the 25k. I have learned a very valuable lesson in patience & I’m still in shock it’s finally over. As of this moment I am 100% debt free y’all. No credit card debt, no car loan no nothin. Just had to share my excitement!!!

** wow! Ladies, thank you so much for all of your kind words! I didn’t think this would get anyone’s attention but mine 😊 y’all are so sweet! **