fear of medical facilities


hello beauties..

I kind of forgot about this app & I’m posting on here in hopes that someone can relate or offer the best advice.

SO.... I had an experience back in 2016 where it has now caused me to be feeling very uneasy in any medical setting.. feeling overwhelmed, antsy, on edge (causing white coat syndrome when blood pressure is normalized with meds @ home), anxiety long story short. I used to be a HUGE hypochondriac but it’s yet been almost fully healed by my Lord 💛

Do any of you experience the same or have any advice? I’ve gotten closer to God & this has been an up and down journey for me. I’m also a military spouse & being away from family totally blows but I’m trying to make the best of it I know I am not supposed to be fearful, it’s not a feeling of God & I’ve recognized that and rebuke the devil, but it has been such a huge play of part in my life & the worry consumes my mind.. thank you in advice & God bless you all💛