PLEASE HELP. sharp pain in upper left side. 32 weeks

valentin • trans dad///baby girl born 8/15/2020

so i was already feeling kinda shitty and thought i was having an anxiety attack because it was really stormy and loud outside and it was just stressing me out. my heart was kind of racing, i felt nauseous, i had slight cramps, and my face just felt...weird. i dont know how to explain it but hopefully it makes some sense.

i held in my pee for a little bit too long and my bladder and lower abdomen started to cramp so i got up to pee and i started to feel the cramps more, then when i say down to pee i started having sharp pains in my stomach. i have stomach ulcers and gastritis so i thought it was just that but then out of nowhere i was just hit with this horrible sharp pain to the left of my stomach. it felt like there was razor wire inside of me. it lasted like 10 seconds. i would just say it was an ulcer bleeding but obviously the stomach isn't on the left side. it felt like the top of my uterus (although it could have been an organ behind that, right? im not sure how it works)

does anyone know what this is or have any of you experienced this? the spot where i felt it was hard and bulging but that also sometimes happened after i eat and im still a bit bloated from when i ate a few hours ago. im just really concerned because of all the pain ive had in the past it was never that intense and never in that spot so im at a loss. PLEASE help