unexpected twins- not coping well needs advice!

Kykay • Finally Going to be a mama bear! 🐻

hello i’m a mama of a 11 month old boy he’s my everything. i had a rough post birthday where i almost lost my life so finding out i’m pregnant took some getting used to. but i finally came around to the idea. i went for my ultrasound today only to find out i’m pregnant with twins. i have been crying non stop. i’m scared, terrified, confused, hurt, and believe i can not physically or mentally go from 1 to 3. i should be happy but i’m so upset and depressed. things are running through my mind like

-i won’t have time with my son

-my heart is breaking for my son

-idk if i can do this

-i’m broken

i need advice experiences? did this happen to anyone? how did you cope? encouragement? i appreciate any advice