Am I in the wrong

My bf and I are pregnant with our 2nd child and I'm only 8 weeks but I'm excited and I started looking at names. Every now and then I'd ask a name and usually he wouldnt like it, and that's okay! That's why were discussing it. Anyway, he knew I was looking up names one night and I compiled a list of boy names that I like. I asked him the next day if he wanted to hear and he got annoyed with me and said no. I'd prefer to wait and find out what were having so we dont have to keep doing this. Well , later on in the week, I came up with a name i knew he'd like, because he picked it out around when we first found out. Well, when I asked if he wanted to hear the name today, he blew up at me and started yelling at me . Telling me to stop because I'm shoving it down his throat, meanwhile our daughter is in the other room, able to hear him. Obviously. He was screaming so loud, I'm sure the neighbors could here. He got all annoyed and left to pick up beer. I was crying and crying in the bathroom and a half hour later, I'm finishing dinner and still kinda crying and even eating dinner with a big ol lump in my throat. I'm not a big cryer but this really hurt my feelings.... I even feel guilty for mentioning the name but I shouldn't feel that way. I need input and opinions