Didn't get gender results from NIPT 😫


I'm so frustrated. I posted a few weeks ago about my already ridiculous history with my OB group (I'm in the process of looking for another practicioner but there's not a ton my insurance covers ☹), but I just had to vent about this too. I got my NIPT done 2 weeks ago and was previously told they would have the gender for me in the results, so my husband and I were SO excited to find out and be able to share with everyone on Father's Day. I had an appointment with my OB group on Friday to get the results and low and behold, they didn't have the gender for me.

Apparently there's a second test they usually run which would give the gender but due to COVID, the lab they use is only doing it in cases where levels aren't normal, so I AM thankful that everything looked good and baby is healthy so far. Now I have to wait another 4 weeks for the anatomy scan and I just want to knowwwwwwwwww!