Weight loss and disabled. Please read.

So this may be a lengthy post but I really do need some help and opinions. 
I would LOVE to get in shape and get toned; not muscular, no abs, just less jiggle everywhere especially my legs, arms and thighs. I already eat relatively healthy, trying to get even better at it, I've quit smoking cigarettes, I don't drink much but I do love a pretty sedentary lifestyle.
Now I know a lot of you will say stuff like cardio or crossfit, stuff like that but here's the problem. 
When I was 14 I suffered heart failure from myocarditis (evolved from the flu), I never had heart issues prior and was very healthy and fit when this happened. Well, I had CPR for 37 minutes and was placed on ecmo, then chest tubes and bivads during emergency heart surgery. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and suffered 3 strokes and multipul seizures, doctors told my family to start discussing when they wanted to pull the plug because I had pretty much no brain activity and didn't respond to reflex tests. Well I obviously woke up but the strokes caused me to go paralyzed on my left side and weaken my right. I spend half a month relearning how to talk, eat, drink, walk and write. 
Here I am now, 20 years old. I have tremors and severe balance damage and coordination damage which limits me to pretty much all the good fat burning workouts. I can't even ride a bike anymore, jog, or jump rope. I can however do stuff like recumbent bikes, walk with someone next to me just in case I trip or fall, bowflex, some yoga and some Pilates but not stuff like side planking or most everything that requires a great deal of balance.
I want my life and body back.. Can anyone help me with some workouts that would still be efficient even though I'm very limited?