Y’all I did it I had my vbac

Jess • 🧔🏻🤰🏼👧🏼 👦🏼 👶🏼

I went into labor on the 20th at 10pm but contractions were ten minutes apart so I slept and dreamt about being in labor 😅 I woke up throughout the night with lots of bloody show and woke up at 7 for good. Made my other two kids breakfast and cleaned the house so the sitter wouldn’t have to! Around 12 we checked into the hospital since I was a TOLAC and gbs positive. I was 4 cm and 90 percent effaced. I was SO terrified of doing any sort of intervention so I labored. I labored and labored through pretty painful contractions with NO progress. It was devastating. My midwife told me I had to choose if I wanted an epidural, water breaking or pitocin which I wanted none of them at that point. I finally cried and decided on pitocin at 1ml and rising it by 1ml an hour. IT WORKED. The contractions started becoming so unbearable and I was having so much trouble coping and so much pressure. I succeeded in what I wanted. To labor into active labor so that there was no way the epidural would slow down my labor. I was checked and was told I was 7cm and 100 percent effaced. Baby was right there. I got the epidural. It didn’t take for about an hour but the anesthesiologist stayed in the room until we got it since if worst comes to worst this would have to be a spinal block and had to be perfect. Well it took. I slept for two hours with a peanut ball. The midwife came in and said she wanted to check where I was at. She didn’t even put her fingers in and she said well let’s have a baby!! I was complete. +3 and baby was coming. I took a picture of myself at 3:40 with a smile on my face and he was born at 3:42. I pushed ONCE! Once y’all. And he was an ounce away from 9 freaking pounds!! She let me pull him out. She let his cord stop pulsing. This was my dream birth. I am so happy.

My first was a preemie at 4 pounds and 33 weeks vaginal delivery and my second was 6 lb 13 oz at 38 weeks c section due to chorio and him not tolerating labor. This new baby boy really shocked me with how big he is! I was over due and googling is spontaneous labor even real even though I’ve had it twice because I was beginning to doubt the process. You mamas got this!!

6/22/2020 3:42 am