He swore he would leave me

We’ve been together for 2years and married 1years. We experienced fights and arguments in our way till now, I found it normal to have arguments for newly weds, but he for the third time tell me I want to leave you.

I just need to give you a background, he is a lovely person, kind and caring person, but he is so insecure mostly due to his financial status. I have done everything I could to make things work, I never asked him for anything because I’m an independent person, I mostly pay the bills and household expenditures but I don’t mind because I married him for his own personality. But as he is insecure whenever we got into fight he saw it as it is the end of the world, I admit he told me to leave before but he apologize right after thousand of times. Last night we were in the car on our way home, we had a small argument after work and as I was exhausted and had no energy to have the discussion I stormed out and got out of the car. Came straight home on foot.

He arrived home about an hour later even though he was riding the car. He told me say I’m sorry for getting out of the car or I swear I leave you. I was shocked and said nothing. He started packing his stuff.

I know it could be nothing because we are frustrated because of work and financial matter, but I’m heart broken and devastated.

I should add he apologized again last night and said he is extremely sorry but I feel he might keep threatening to leave every time be get into fight.

I don’t feel safe and even though I love him for so many good things he did for me my feelings heart.

Please tell me what would you do if you were me.

Update: thank you guys sooo much for your comments I laid some boundaries for him and told him i don’t take any similar behavior anymore. He was extremely sorry and told me I was so insecure and I thought you just don’t love me anymore. He is going to see someone to talk to him and boost his confidence.

We are going to work on this together.

Thanks again for being here with me ❤️❤️🌹🌹