i identify as bisexual but i’m not sure

so ive “known” i was bi for 2 years now, ive dated boys and girls, im currently dating a girl. the problem is, i love the idea of having sex with a girl, but the idea of having sex with a boy just? idk, i couldnt imagine it. straight porn doesn’t turn me on either. only lesbian porn. literally the thought of having a dick inside of me just ew. im rambling now oops. anywho.

the point of the story is that im not sure if im lesbian or bisexual, maybe im biromantic, but a lesbian sexually? idk

edit: i was in love with a boy for 5 years. we didn’t date infact he rejected me 4 times. during that time all i could think about was kissing him but now i literally can’t imagine kissing a guy. maybe im just holding onto being bi because it feels safer