PCOS and Metformin


Hello! So I am 21 years old and my husband and I are trying to conceive. However I have PCOS. I got my period when I was like 12 and then stopped having it after 15 or 16 years old. I eventually got prescribed birth control and it regulated my period. Then when my husband and I got married, I stopped taking it and my period went back to non-existent. My doctor prescribed me Metformin (1000mg a day, then in two months 2000mg a day) along with PrePlus tablets. I also take One A Day Prenatal gummies. I just started a few days ago so I’m not expecting any changes yet, but just wanted to see how well it worked/didn’t work for anyone who has tried it? What was the process? Did it help you conceive and/or bring back your period? Any information would help! Thank you!