Is this a good idea.

I turned 21 on the 25th June. I've set myself 1 goal to achieve by time I reach my 22nd birthday. TO BE HAPPY. To look at my life and just be content and happy with it. Compared to how it is now. I want to be healthier and loose my baby weight. Maybe go down 1-2 dress sizes. Im not weighing myself. Just going to go off how my clothes fit and progress pictures. I want to fix my relationship. I've been feeling like it's dead. We have been having a few problems and I'm trying my hardest to fix it and basically fall back in love with him. Im trying to suggest things like at home date nights and movie nights. We have 2 children (aged 1 and 2), he works full time and I'm a SAHM, so we have just lost ourselves a bit and he thinks its fine and it will all be alright in the end without trying, where as I can't live like we are just house mates that share children. So I've given myself a year to try my best to improve our relationship and if its no better or worse then I will leave but I need to try before I give up. I would like to resume my college course and maybe progress to the next level and complete that to be a step closer to getting a job. I would like to finish all the jobs I have in my house (decorating/fixing little things) that just get forgotten about. I would like us to save up at least £1000 so we have have a mini break/weekend away together. And probably my biggest one is to see a dentist. I have a huge fear of the dentist. I've not been since I was 11 as my mum just stopped taking me. Ive kept up with my teeth hygiene but there is gaps and some are wonky I was told when I was 11 that if I had lost all my teeth by age 12 then I would be getting braces but my mum stopped taking me so it never happened. I've never taken my children because of my fear and I am going to try to overcome it this year so my children don't grow up with the fear I have. I am on top of their dental health so I have no worries but they still need to see a dentist. So I have to do something about it. They can't see me fearful and then i expect them to be okay with it. They need to see me comfortable so they know its okay and they are safe.

I hope I can do this. I know its a lot but this is what is important to me so I need to sort it out. I know life will always throw a curve ball in but I will do my best. Im going to keep a weekly diary so I can write down what I have achieved that week and what I plan to achieve the next. So I can do it in small steps. Wish me luck! (I've not told anyone about this 1 year plan. Im just going to do it.)