Am I being naive or am I overthinking ?


Do you all believe in the saying, “People make time for the things that they want?” I’m in a newish relationship, going on 4 months and the guy is just inconsiderate to me, we make plans and he basically will push them off. Tonight we were supposed to be spending together, it’s almost 9:30 and I received a phone call from him about 15 min ago, but I was in the shower. This isn’t the first time, he claims that he’s asleep and that I should call and wake him but honestly it’s like no big deal I totally would do it and have but why do I always have to make sure you are still on board or wake you up? Am I not important enough to make sure for once that you are on time? Idk, maybe I’m just overthinking because I do that a lot, but it kind of sucks that this is a repeat thing and I’ve expressed before how it makes me feel. We haven’t had sex in over 3 weeks and he claims it’s because it’s just not on his mind, and that he prefers money over sex (not sure how the two correlate but that’s how he thinks). I haven’t called back yet because I don’t really know what to say, apart of me just wants to dismiss it but then the other part of me wants to send him a text and just say we should just separate and be friends because clearly we aren’t on the same page and I feel like a man knows, and also if I was important enough, it wouldn’t be a continuous thing. Overall just makes me feel like a last thought, it’s stressful and mind boggling, I’ve never dealt with a man like this before. Any advice ?