

Well long story short when I was younger I used to get my period twice a month for 7-10 days, then I went on birth control for like 5 years but I was like super depressed and just not myself so I stopped taking it and then I was kinda normal for a bit with my cycles.. then I lost a little weight and it went all weird again..when I joined the army I completely stopped getting my period.. and at the end of training in Nov/Dec I got it again and it's been super weird since.. sometimes it's twice a month for 4-5 days..sometimes it's "on time" for 6 days.. sometimes it's late and barely there..I never know.. and then like last week I spotted a day and thought I was going to get it but then nothing and then 2 days ago it was like bright red when I woke up and I was like cool here we go but then it was just a bit of spotting.. and I'm still not "supposed" to get it for 5 days... and I get REALLY bad cramps every time I get it and I've been super nauseous too and idk why

Ps: I’m going to see a doctor I just wanted to see what you ladies had to say!