sleep training a 1 year (14 month) old

i just basically need tips! the last three days i’ve been putting my son in his crib for naps and during night time and it takes him a good 20 minutes of crying before he lays down and sleeps.

when he wakes up in the middle of the night crying, even though i shouldn’t, i get him out of his crib and lay him with me just for the sake of my roommates. i don’t really have a choice. as for naps and bedtime, nobody else is trying to sleep during that time so it’s not a big deal.

but it hasn’t gotten any easier whatsoever. still 20 minutes of scream crying every time i put him in there. and just to clarify, when he was younger i had him sleeping in his own crib until he hit the attachment phase around...i want to say 8 months and so i allowed him to sleep in my bed with me.

i figured it was a phase that would pass. well it’s only gotten worse and now here we are at 14m. he also slowly became more independent up until 8 months and then BOOM full on attachment issues which have also only gotten worse. i can’t even walk out of the room or pee without him screaming bloody murder.

well that’s sort of beside the point! if you sleep trained a 1 year old, how long did it take for them to get a hang of it? also, any tips and advice are appreciated!