Do you have an older sibling who feels more like your parent than your actual parent?


My sister is 8 years older than I am. My mom & I never really had a good relationship because it seems like as soon as I turned 4 she just lost interest in me. My sister was always made to watch me & if she said no she would get grounded. She had to take me everywhere with her. My sister is the one who helped me with my homework, she’s the one who taught me how to ride a bike, she’s the one who taught me how to cook, pretty much everything I know...

She honestly feels more like my mom than my actual mom. I’m 23 now & I always go to my sister for advice or help, not my mom.

I feel so guilty because I feel like because of me our mom robbed her of a childhood. She was kinda forced to grow up really quick because she had me with her pretty much 24/7.

I love my sister so much & I’m so lucky I have her in my life.

I’m just curious if anyone else went through something similar..

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