Mom doesn't trust me


I dont know if this is the right group or not sorry

I keep getting pulled out of school for a few years at a time because my mom doesn't believe in me. She's made me do 3 years of online school through middle school because she didn't like the school. Which is fine but I never got the opertunity to make friends. Durong those three years online I because more introverted and unable to anything without someone helping me. I cant even go grab a roll of tp from the opposite aisle in the store because im scared of being by myself. I used to be so social and had a ton of friends. And now I can't even raise my hand to answer a question. I can't talk to the counselor about changing my schedule I skipped lunch because I was terrified to go into the lunch line. And the moment I bring up doing something by myself or for myself she instantly stops me with "it would be better if blah blah" or "are you sure you might not like it". I brought up shaving my head because I would feel confidant and she tells me it wouldn't fit my face shape or that I would regret it ive told her multiple times if I dont like it then ill have to deal with it it was my decision which she preaches 24/7 that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions but the moment I say ill stick by that shes like nah no you cant I won't allow you. I cant even go to club. Which meets once a week might I add we don't have many events because wour club is still new. Yet my sister went to fucming Disney land for a month or went to a million concerts. That was her club in school and she could hand out with who ever she wanted whenever she wanted. And she's broken moms trust a million times!!! I've never done anything to make my mom distrust me. I've always followed rules I've never skipped a class. I dotn have the best grades but I'm trying to get them up. But if I ask to han lg out with friends for a dnd session she says I can obly stay for an hour then we leave. I cant tell her how I feel because then she'll rant about " I messed up ith your sister now you?!" "Why am I the bad guy" "fine do what ever you want!" We just had a discussion like that I dont know what to do anymore and I can't tell her anything because she won't belive me and I have enough of it I'm so tired

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