

I’ve been so emotional since I found out I’m going to the hospital around the second week in August. I know it’s for the baby and I literally cannot go into labor or he could die, but I’m so scared to be alone for three weeks. I will be 31 or 32 weeks when I get admitted and I have to stay there alone until my c-section date around 35 weeks due to Covid. My boyfriend will come visit when he can but he can’t take off that much time from work until the baby is here. I broke down last night because it will be the first time in 3 years we’ve ever slept without each other and I know there’s more important things to worry about and it’s not that big of a deal in the end but it broke my heart thinking about it. I’m also terrified of being by myself in a hospital due to past experiences when I was young of being left alone. I feel like I’m being pathetic and I know it’s all worth it in the end but I keep crying every time I think about it or get stuff ready for the hospital. I’m only 27 weeks and 3 days now, but we’re in the process of moving, and my baby shower is in two weeks so I won’t have much time to get stuff ready or set up as I’ll be in the hospital a week after my shower. All I can do is keep praying things work out in the end. Sorry for the rant I just feel so alone in this because of the virus. 😭