My EX 🤦🏿‍♀️

So me and my ex recently broke up

Threw out the relationship I pretty much pushed my dreams to a side (stupid 🤦🏿‍♀️ never again) but I really worked on his dream he wanted to be one of those people who talked about sports.

I keep forgetting what it’s called

Anyway since I couldn’t bring his dream to life the closest thing was making him a YouTube channel I made 6 videos for him and encourage him (he always talked about he loves this job so much he will do it for free to the point he started to watch sports all day) i I

So I was the one directing, editing, finding locations, and all

I told him I can’t do it anymore it’s putting a lot of stress on me and I want to work on my stuff if u do at least one By yourself I’ll do the other but u got to show me your motivated or something

He said he will ever until this day he hasn’t made 1 and it’s been like a year he keeps trying to guilt trip me

I talk to his friends I talk to his brother and they get into I’m a woman that my job and blah blah blah

So I’m log in the account I have all the information and it took me a lot of time and work to do all this for him

I understand some people are not motivated and it takes time but I’m not going getting talk down by his family and friends especially if I’m the one that did %90 of the work

%10 he sitting down talking to a camera

I asked all the questions




And all

And all he continue to do is say when I do it he’ll do a video

Would I be wrong for deleting the videos (I was thinking about putting it on my channel)

and deleting the application

It’s not my dream it’s his I tried and did my part I feel

I need advice thank you