History of sexting other girls


My husband has been caught so many times the past 10 years sexting other girls. Some he knew, some he didnt. Last time was 2 years ago. Anyway, now he has a "secure folder" on his phone. I only know because I saw it light up as it said "notification hidden, open secure folder to view"...should I just assume hes hiding some app to text women? Idk much about secure folders. But I cant rhink of a valid reason he would have one. I of course asked if he has been falling into his old ways and he promises he isnt 🙄🙄 last time I went and got my stuff and had plans to leave and then he groveled and cried and swore he would never do it again. We have 2 kids, so leaving is technically easy. And I feel guilty, which is wrong, when he cries and begs like that. Just wondering if I should let it go or assume it's bad. Like I said, idk anything about these folders.